// source --> http://www.buchananjoinery.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/sugar-slider/includes/js/jquery.sexyslider.js?ver=4.9.8 /*! * SexySlider v1.4 - for jQuery 1.3+ * http://codecanyon.net/item/sexy-slider/87148 * * Copyright 2010, Eduardo Daniel Sada * You need to buy a license if you want use this script. * http://codecanyon.net/wiki/buying/howto-buying/licensing/ * * Date: Jun 01 2010 * SexySlider is a JQuery plugin that lets you easily * create powerful javascript Sliders with very nice * transition effects. Inspirated in jqFancyTransitions. * Developed in OOP. */ (function($) { var ie6 = (jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version, 10) < 7 && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version, 10) > 4); if (ie6) { try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); } catch(err) {} }; if ($.proxy === undefined) // proxy is included in jquery 1.4+ { $.extend({ proxy: function( fn, thisObject ) { if ( fn ) { proxy = function() { return fn.apply( thisObject || this, arguments ); }; }; return proxy; } }); }; var SSPrototype = function() { }; $.extend(SSPrototype.prototype, { init: function(el, options) { var defaults = { navigation : '', control : '', width : 500, height : 332, strips : 20, auto : true, autopause : true, delay : 3000, // in ms stripSpeed : 400, // in ms titleOpacity : 0.7, titleSpeed : 700, // in ms //titlePosition : 'bottom', // top, right, bottom, left titleStyle : 'auto', direction : 'alternate', // left, right, alternate, random effect : 'random', // curtain, zipper, wave, fountain, cascade, fade, random onComplete : function() {}, onSlideshowEnd : function() {}, onTitleShow : function() {}, onTitleHide : function() {} }; this.dom = {}; this.img = []; this.titles = []; this.links = []; this.imgInc = 0; this.imgInterval = 0; this.inc = 0; this.order = []; this.controls = []; this.direction = 0; this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this.element = el; var params = this.options; var self = this; $('img', el).each(function(i) { var item = $(this); self.img[i] = item.attr('src'); self.titles[i] = item.attr('alt') ? item.attr('alt') : (item.attr('title') ? item.attr('title') : ''); self.links[i] = item.parent().is('a') ? item.parent().attr('href') : false; if (self.options.control) { self.controls[i] = $(''+(i+1)+''); $(self.options.control).append(self.controls[i]); if (i==0) { self.controls[i].addClass('active'); } self.controls[i].click(function(event) { self.transition($(this).attr('rel')); event.preventDefault(); }); }; item.hide(); }); $(this.element).css({ 'background-image' : 'url('+this.img[0]+')', 'background-position' : 'top left', 'position' : 'relative', 'overflow' : 'hidden', 'width' : params.width, 'height' : params.height }); this.dom.title = $("
"); if (params.titleStyle == 'auto') { this.dom.title.css({ 'background-color' : '#000000', 'color' : '#FFFFFF', 'position' : 'absolute', 'z-index' : 5 }); } if (params.titlePosition=='bottom') { this.dom.title.css({ 'bottom' : 0, 'left' : 0, 'width' : params.width - 20 }); } else if (params.titlePosition=='top') { this.dom.title.css({ 'top' : 0, 'left' : 0, 'width' : params.width - 20 }); } else if (params.titlePosition=='right') { this.dom.title.css({ 'top' : 0, 'right' : 0, 'width' : parseInt(params.width * 30 / 100), 'height' : params.height }); } else if (params.titlePosition=='left') { this.dom.title.css({ 'top' : 0, 'left' : 0, 'width' : parseInt(params.width * 30 / 100), 'height' : params.height }); }; $(this.element).append(this.dom.title); if (this.titles[this.imgInc]) { $(this.dom.title).css({ 'opacity' : params.titleOpacity }); } else { $(this.dom.title).css({ 'opacity' : 0 }); }; var sWidth = parseInt(params.width / params.strips); var sobrante = params.width - sWidth * params.strips; // lo que sobra, se lo vamos comiendo de a uno. var sLeft = 0; this.dom.strip = []; // creating strips for (i=0; i < params.strips; i++) { if ( sobrante > 0) { tsWidth = sWidth + 1; sobrante--; } else { tsWidth = sWidth; } var eachStrip = $("
").get(0); $(eachStrip).css({ 'background-position': -sLeft +'px top', 'width' : tsWidth + "px", 'height' : params.height + "px", 'position': 'absolute', 'left' : sLeft }); this.dom.strip.push ( eachStrip ); sLeft += tsWidth; this.order[i] = i; }; // end for $(this.element).append(this.dom.strip); this.dom.link = $(""); this.dom.link.css({ 'text-decoration' : 'none', 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : 0, 'left' : 0, 'border' : 0, 'z-index' : 8, 'width' : params.width, 'height' : params.height }); $(this.element).append(this.dom.link); if (this.links[this.imgInc]) { this.dom.link.attr('href', this.links[this.imgInc]); } else { this.dom.link.css({'display':'none'}); }; // add events if (params.navigation) { var prev = $('prev'); var next = $('next'); prev.click($.proxy(function(event) { this.transition("prev"); event.preventDefault(); }, this)); next.click($.proxy(function(event) { this.transition("next"); event.preventDefault(); }, this)); $(params.navigation).append(prev, next); }; $(el).bind('mouseover', $.proxy(function() { this.setpause(true) }, this)); $(el).bind('mouseout', $.proxy(function() { this.setpause(false) }, this)); $(this.dom.title).bind('mouseover', $.proxy(function() { this.setpause(true) }, this)); $(this.dom.title).bind('mouseout', $.proxy(function() { this.setpause(false)}, this)); params.onComplete.call(this); if (params.auto) { this.slideshow(); } return this; }, slideshow: function() { clearInterval(this.imgInterval); this.imgInterval = setInterval($.proxy(function() {this.transition();}, this ), this.options.delay+((this.options.stripSpeed / 6)*this.options.strips)+this.options.stripSpeed); }, setpause: function(val) { this.pause = val; }, transition: function(dir) { if (this.pause == true || dir == this.imgInc) { return false; }; this.pause = true; this.stripInterval = setInterval($.proxy(function() { this.strips(this.order[this.inc]); }, this), this.options.stripSpeed / 6); $(this.element).css({ 'background-image' : 'url('+this.img[this.imgInc]+')' }); switch (dir) { case "next": this.imgInc = (this.imgInc+1 >= this.img.length) ? 0 : this.imgInc+1; break; case "prev": this.imgInc = (this.imgInc-1 < 0) ? this.img.length-1 : this.imgInc-1; break; case "first": this.imgInc = 0; break; case "last": this.imgInc = this.img.length-1; break; default: if (!isNaN(parseFloat(dir)) && isFinite(dir)) //is numeric { this.imgInc = parseInt(dir); } else // for auto { this.imgInc = (this.imgInc+1 >= this.img.length) ? 0 : this.imgInc+1; }; break; }; //end switch if (dir !== undefined) { if (this.options.autopause) { clearInterval(this.imgInterval); } else { this.slideshow(); } } if (this.titles[this.imgInc]!='') { $(this.dom.title).animate({ 'opacity' : 0 }, this.options.titleSpeed, $.proxy(function() { $(this.dom.title).html(this.titles[this.imgInc]); this.options.onTitleHide.call(this); }, this)); opacity = this.options.titleOpacity; } else { opacity = 0; }; $(this.dom.title).animate({ 'opacity' : opacity }, this.options.titleSpeed, $.proxy(function() {this.options.onTitleShow.call(this)}, this)); if (this.links[this.imgInc]) { this.dom.link.attr('href', this.links[this.imgInc]); this.dom.link.css({'display':'block'}); } else { this.dom.link.css({'display':'none'}); }; if (this.options.control) { $.each(this.controls, function(i, el) { $(el).removeClass('active'); }); $(this.controls[this.imgInc]).addClass('active'); } this.inc = 0; switch (this.options.effect) // ordenar strips { case 'fountain': $.proxy(this.effects.fountain, this)(); break; case 'wave': $.proxy(this.effects.wave, this)(); break; case 'zipper': $.proxy(this.effects.zipper, this)(); break; case 'cascade': $.proxy(this.effects.cascade, this)(); break; case 'curtain': $.proxy(this.effects.curtain, this)(); break; case 'fade': $.proxy(this.effects.fade, this)(); break; case 'smoothFade': $.proxy(this.effects.smoothFade, this)(); break; case 'random': $.proxy(this.effects.random, this)(); break; }; // end switch // left, right, alternate, random if ((this.options.direction == 'right' && this.order[0] == 1)) { this.order.reverse(); this.direction = 1; } else if (this.options.direction == 'random') { this.order = this.shuffle(this.order); } else if (this.options.direction == 'alternate') { if (this.direction == 0) { this.direction = 1; } else { this.order.reverse(); this.direction = 0; }; } else { this.direction = 0; }; }, shuffle: function(arr) { for( var j, x, i = arr.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = arr[--i], arr[i] = arr[j], arr[j] = x ); return arr; }, effects: { cascade: function() { var odd = 1; var total = this.order.length; var mitad = parseInt(this.options.strips/2); for (i=0; i < total; i++) { $(this.dom.strip[i]).css( 'bottom', 'auto' ); this.order[i] = mitad - (parseInt((i+1)/2)*odd); odd *= -1; }; this.order[this.options.strips-1] = 0; }, curtain: function() { $.proxy(this.effects.wave, this)(); }, wave: function() { for (i=0; i < this.order.length; i++) { $(this.dom.strip[i]).css( 'bottom', 'auto' ); this.order[i] = i; }; }, zipper: function() { for (i=0; i < this.order.length; i++) { if (i%2 == 0) { $(this.dom.strip[i]).css( 'bottom', 0 ); } else { $(this.dom.strip[i]).css( 'bottom', 'auto' ); }; this.order[i] = i; }; }, fountain: function() { var odd = 1; var total = this.order.length; var mitad = parseInt(this.options.strips/2); for (i=0; i < total; i++) { $(this.dom.strip[i]).css( 'bottom', 0 ); this.order[i] = mitad - (parseInt((i+1)/2)*odd); odd *= -1; }; this.order[this.options.strips-1] = 0; }, fade: function() { $.proxy(this.effects.wave, this)(); }, smoothFade: function() { $.proxy(this.effects.wave, this)(); }, random: function() { var i = parseInt(Math.random() * 4); switch (i) { case 0: $.proxy(this.effects.fountain, this)(); this.options.usewidth = false; break; case 1: $.proxy(this.effects.wave, this)(); this.options.usewidth = false; break; case 2: $.proxy(this.effects.fountain, this)(); $.proxy(this.effects.wave, this)(); $.proxy(this.effects.zipper, this)(); this.options.usewidth = false; break; case 3: $.proxy(this.effects.wave, this)(); this.options.usewidth = true; break; case 4: $.proxy(this.effects.cascade, this)(); this.options.usewidth = false; break; } } }, strips: function(itemId) { if (this.inc == this.options.strips) { // end animation clearInterval(this.stripInterval); // call event this.options.onSlideshowEnd.call(this); setTimeout($.proxy(function() {this.pause = false;}, this), this.options.stripSpeed); return false; }; this.pause = true; var strip = $(this.dom.strip[itemId]); if (!ie6 || this.options.effect == 'fade') { strip.css({ 'opacity' : 0 }); }; if (this.options.effect == 'curtain' || this.options.usewidth == true) { currWidth = strip.width(); strip.css({ 'width' : 0, 'background-image' : 'url('+this.img[this.imgInc]+')' }); strip.animate({ 'width' : currWidth, 'opacity' : 1 }, this.options.stripSpeed); } else if (this.options.effect == 'fade') { strip.css({ 'background-image' : 'url('+this.img[this.imgInc]+')' }); strip.animate({ 'opacity' : 1 }, this.options.stripSpeed); } else { strip.css({ 'height' : 0, 'background-image' : 'url('+this.img[this.imgInc]+')' }); strip.animate({ 'height' : this.options.height, 'opacity' : 1 }, this.options.stripSpeed); } this.inc++; } }); $.fn.SexySlider = function(options) { this.each(function() { if (!this.SSObject) { this.SSObject = new SSPrototype().init(this, options); }; return this.SSObject; }); }; })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.buchananjoinery.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/sugar-slider/includes/js/slidedeck.jquery.lite.js?ver=4.9.8 /** * SlideDeck 1.2.1 Lite - 2011-01-18 * Copyright (c) 2011 digital-telepathy (http://www.dtelepathy.com) * * Support the developers by purchasing the Pro version at http://www.slidedeck.com/download * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * More information on this project: * http://www.slidedeck.com/ * * Requires: jQuery v1.3+ * * Full Usage Documentation: http://www.slidedeck.com/usage-documentation * Usage: * $(el).slidedeck(opts); * * @param {HTMLObject} el The
element to extend as a SlideDeck * @param {Object} opts An object to pass custom override options to */ var SlideDeck; (function($){ SlideDeck = function(el,opts){ var self = this, el = $(el); var VERSION = "1.2.1"; this.options = { speed: 500, transition: 'swing', start: 1, activeCorner: true, index: true, scroll: true, keys: true, autoPlay: false, autoPlayInterval: 5000, hideSpines: false, cycle: false }; this.classes = { slide: 'slide', spine: 'spine', label: 'label', index: 'index', active: 'active', indicator: 'indicator', activeCorner: 'activeCorner', disabled: 'disabled', vertical: 'slidesVertical', previous: 'previous', next: 'next' }; this.current = 1; this.deck = el; this.spines = el.children('dt'); this.slides = el.children('dd'); this.controlTo = 1; this.session = []; this.disabledSlides = []; this.pauseAutoPlay = false; this.isLoaded = false; var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.browser = { chrome: UA.match(/chrome/) ? true : false, firefox: UA.match(/firefox/) ? true : false, firefox2: UA.match(/firefox\/2/) ? true : false, firefox30: UA.match(/firefox\/3\.0/) ? true : false, msie: UA.match(/msie/) ? true : false, msie6: (UA.match(/msie 6/) && !UA.match(/msie 7|8/)) ? true : false, msie7: UA.match(/msie 7/) ? true : false, msie8: UA.match(/msie 8/) ? true : false, chromeFrame: (UA.match(/msie/) && UA.match(/chrome/)) ? true : false, opera: UA.match(/opera/) ? true : false, safari: (UA.match(/safari/) && !UA.match(/chrome/)) ? true : false }; for(var b in this.browser){ if(this.browser[b] === true){ this.browser._this = b; } } if(this.browser.chrome === true) { this.browser.version = UA.match(/chrome\/([0-9\.]+)/)[1]; } if(this.browser.firefox === true) { this.browser.version = UA.match(/firefox\/([0-9\.]+)/)[1]; } if(this.browser.msie === true) { this.browser.version = UA.match(/msie ([0-9\.]+)/)[1]; } if(this.browser.opera === true) { this.browser.version = UA.match(/version\/([0-9\.]+)/)[1]; } if(this.browser.safari === true) { this.browser.version = UA.match(/version\/([0-9\.]+)/)[1]; } var width; var height; var spine_inner_width, spine_outer_width, slide_width, spine_half_width; var FixIEAA = function(spine){ if(self.browser.msie && !self.browser.chromeFrame){ var bgColor = spine.css('background-color'); var sBgColor = bgColor; if(sBgColor == "transparent"){ bgColor = "#ffffff"; } else { if(sBgColor.match('#')){ // Hex, convert to RGB if(sBgColor.length < 7){ var t = "#" + sBgColor.substr(1,1) + sBgColor.substr(1,1) + sBgColor.substr(2,1) + sBgColor.substr(2,1) + sBgColor.substr(3,1) + sBgColor.substr(3,1); bgColor = t; } } } bgColor = bgColor.replace("#",""); cParts = { r: bgColor.substr(0,2), g: bgColor.substr(2,2), b: bgColor.substr(4,2) }; var bgRGB = "#"; var hexVal = "01234567890ABCDEF"; for(var k in cParts){ cParts[k] = Math.max(0,(parseInt(cParts[k],16) - 1)); cParts[k] = hexVal.charAt((cParts[k] - cParts[k]%16)/16) + hexVal.charAt(cParts[k]%16); bgRGB += cParts[k]; } spine.find('.' + self.classes.index).css({ 'filter': 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1) chroma(color=' + bgRGB + ')', backgroundColor: bgRGB }); } }; var autoPlay = function(){ gotoNext = function(){ if(self.pauseAutoPlay === false){ if(self.options.cycle === false && self.current == self.slides.length){ self.pauseAutoPlay = true; } else { self.next(); } } }; setInterval(gotoNext,self.options.autoPlayInterval); }; var buildDeck = function(){ if($.inArray(el.css('position'),['position','absolute','fixed'])){ el.css('position', 'relative'); } el.css('overflow', 'hidden'); for(var i=0; i i){ var spine = $(self.spines[i]); } var sPad = { top: parseInt(slide.css('padding-top'),10), right: parseInt(slide.css('padding-right'),10), bottom: parseInt(slide.css('padding-bottom'),10), left: parseInt(slide.css('padding-left'),10) }; var sBorder = { top: parseInt(slide.css('border-top-width'),10), right: parseInt(slide.css('border-right-width'),10), bottom: parseInt(slide.css('border-bottom-width'),10), left: parseInt(slide.css('border-left-width'),10) }; for(var k in sBorder){ sBorder[k] = isNaN(sBorder[k]) ? 0 : sBorder[k]; } if(i < self.current) { if(i == self.current - 1){ if(self.options.hideSpines !== true){ spine.addClass(self.classes.active); } slide.addClass(self.classes.active); } offset = i * spine_outer_width; if(self.options.hideSpines === true){ if(i == self.current - 1){ offset = 0; } else { offset = 0 - (self.options.start - i - 1) * el.width(); } } } else { offset = i * spine_outer_width + slide_width; if(self.options.hideSpines === true){ offset = (i + 1 - self.options.start) * el.width(); } } self.slide_width = (slide_width - sPad.left - sPad.right - sBorder.left - sBorder.right); slide.css({ position: 'absolute', left: offset, zIndex: 1, height: (height - sPad.top - sPad.bottom - sBorder.top - sBorder.bottom) + "px", width: self.slide_width + "px", margin: 0, paddingLeft: sPad.left + spine_outer_width + "px" }).addClass(self.classes.slide).addClass(self.classes.slide + "_" + (i + 1)); if (self.options.hideSpines !== true) { var spinePad = { top: parseInt(spine.css('padding-top'),10), right: parseInt(spine.css('padding-right'),10), bottom: parseInt(spine.css('padding-bottom'),10), left: parseInt(spine.css('padding-left'),10) }; for(var k in spinePad) { if(spinePad[k] < 10 && (k == "left" || k == "right")){ spinePad[k] = 10; } } var spinePadString = spinePad.top + "px " + spinePad.right + "px " + spinePad.bottom + "px " + spinePad.left + "px"; spine.css({ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 3, display: 'block', left: offset, width: (height - spinePad.left - spinePad.right) + "px", height: spine_inner_width + "px", rotation: '270deg', '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(270deg)', '-webkit-transform-origin': spine_half_width + 'px 0px', '-moz-transform': 'rotate(270deg)', '-moz-transform-origin': spine_half_width + 'px 0px', '-o-transform': 'rotate(270deg)', '-o-transform-origin': spine_half_width + 'px 0px', textAlign: 'right', top: (self.browser.msie && !self.browser.chromeFrame) ? 0 : (height - spine_half_width) + "px", marginLeft: ((self.browser.msie && !self.browser.chromeFrame) ? 0 : (0 - spine_half_width)) + "px", filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)' }).addClass(self.classes.spine).addClass(self.classes.spine + "_" + (i + 1)); } else { if(typeof(spine) != "undefined"){ spine.hide(); } } if(i == self.slides.length-1){ slide.addClass('last'); if(self.options.hideSpines !== true){ spine.addClass('last'); } } // Add slide active corners if(self.options.activeCorner === true && self.options.hideSpines === false){ var corner = document.createElement('DIV'); corner.className = self.classes.activeCorner + ' ' + (self.classes.spine + '_' + (i + 1)); spine.after(corner); spine.next('.' + self.classes.activeCorner).css({ position: 'absolute', top: '25px', left: offset + spine_outer_width + "px", overflow: "hidden", zIndex: "20000" }).hide(); if(spine.hasClass(self.classes.active)){ spine.next('.' + self.classes.activeCorner).show(); } } if (self.options.hideSpines !== true) { // Add spine indexes, will always be numerical if unlicensed var index = document.createElement('DIV'); index.className = self.classes.index; if(self.options.index !== false){ var textNode; if(typeof(self.options.index) != 'boolean'){ textNode = self.options.index[i%self.options.index.length]; } else { textNode = "" + (i + 1); } index.appendChild(document.createTextNode(textNode)); } spine.append(index); spine.find('.' + self.classes.index).css({ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 2, display: 'block', width: spine_inner_width + "px", height: spine_inner_width + "px", textAlign: 'center', bottom: ((self.browser.msie && !self.browser.chromeFrame) ? 0 : (0 - spine_half_width)) + "px", left: ((self.browser.msie && !self.browser.chromeFrame) ? 5 : 20) + "px", rotation: "90deg", '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(90deg)', '-webkit-transform-origin': spine_half_width + 'px 0px', '-moz-transform': 'rotate(90deg)', '-moz-transform-origin': spine_half_width + 'px 0px', '-o-transform': 'rotate(90deg)', '-o-transform-origin': spine_half_width + 'px 0px' }); FixIEAA(spine); } } if(self.options.hideSpines !== true){ // Setup Click Interaction self.spines.bind('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); self.goTo(self.spines.index(this)+1); }); } // Setup Keyboard Interaction if(self.options.keys !== false){ $(document).bind('keydown', function(event){ if($(event.target).parents().index(self.deck) == -1){ if(event.keyCode == 39) { self.pauseAutoPlay = true; self.next(); } else if(event.keyCode == 37) { self.pauseAutoPlay = true; self.prev(); } } }); } // Setup Mouse Wheel Interaction if(typeof($.event.special.mousewheel) != "undefined"){ el.bind("mousewheel", function(event){ if(self.options.scroll !== false){ var delta = event.detail ? 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